Below you will find the steps to follow to write and send a new signature request.

Access for editing

To be able to write a new flow in Portasignatures AOC (users with editing permission), it is necessary to access it from EACAT, section "Applications".

To access the tool you need to identify yourself with a digital certificate:

You will find detailed information on the different ways to identify yourself in "Authentication at Portasignatures AOC"

Start a new stream

When accessing the Portasignatures, the user with editing permission has the option "Edit" in the left menu.

Pressing the "Edit" option will display the different fields necessary to be able to send a flow to be signed.

There are two drafting options: Basic and Advanced. The content of the basic wording contains the indispensable fields for the creation of a request and the advanced wording contains all the available fields. You can switch from one to the other from the upper right section of the writing form.

Load from template

This first writing form option is only available to users who have created writing templates through the right menu of the application. Selecting a template will load all fields in the wording with the data preloaded in the template.


This option will allow you, if you are registered with more than one organization, to choose the originator of the request to be sent.


In the "recipients" field of the new petition, its flow of signatures and approvals will be defined. By default, recipients will appear separated by commas, meaning that they will all be signers and can sign in any order.

A more complex flow can be defined by writing the names of the people who will be part of it following the following syntax:

• , (comma) to separate users who can sign in any order

• () (parentheses) indicates a subset of users who can sign in in any order.

• > (greater than) is used to indicate a signature order. If two names are separated by this symbol, the first must sign before the second.

•(F) If a name is followed by this symbol, it means that person must sign. No need to specify, if nothing is specified, it is the default option.

• (VB) If a name is followed by this symbol, you want that person to give their approval.

An example flow could be the following:

(User 1 (VB), User 2 (VB) ) > User 3 (F)

In this example, Users 1 and 2 will have to give their approval in any order before User 3 signs.

Regarding the elements that can be entered in the Recipients field, they can be:

• Users registered in the system. Typing a person's name displays a list of users who are registered in the system with the name being typed. You must select the names from those that appear in this list.

• Flows. The system allows you to save signature flows for reuse. They will not be able to save flows with external users, only with users registered in the tool.

The saved stream can be retrieved by entering this name in the "Recipients" field.

The “preview flow” option shows on the screen a graphical representation of the flow of signatures and signatures in the recipient box.

• Email addresses of users not registered on the platform ("External Users"). In this case, the system will send an email to the address and allow the recipient to sign the request. He will be able to sign the request and download the signed document, but he will not be able to operate with the platform, he will only be able to access the document through the link in the email received.

When we include an external user in a request, we will have to indicate their data, for the purpose of being able to reuse it and to include it in the email that will be sent to the user.

In the mail that the external user will receive, it is indicated that he will only be able to access the flow through mail.

Finally, the "Send independently to each of the recipients" option (available in the "Advanced drafting" option) will allow us to send the same document independently to each of the recipients defined in the drafting. That is, as many requests will be created as recipients included in the flow.

Recipients of internal communication (Advanced writing)
The "Recipients of internal communication" field allows you to indicate users who will have access to the flow and will be notified of the result of the request when it ends. These users do not necessarily have to be signatories of the petition. For example, if someone has to start a procedure when a document is signed, we can automate the notification to that person by adding them in this section so that they know that all the signatures have already been made. The recipients of the internal communication will be able to see the flows at any time through the left section of the "Communications" menu. MenuComunicacionesPS.jpg
Subject (Basic Writing) and Reference (Advanced Writing)
The subject will be the title of the message that will accompany the documents to be signed associated with this request and that will help us identify the request. The Reference will allow us to report a reference of the request. It is optional.
It is an optional field, which will allow us to add an explanatory message that will appear before the documents are signed.
Signature stamp

The signature stamp is the graphic image of the signatures that is stamped on the document once all the signatures have been completed. You can choose between the different stamps configured in Portasignatures AOC:

different types of signature stamps

The name of the seal tells us:

[Page on which the stamp will be stamped] - [location within the page] - [visible or invisible endorsements].

In the case of stamps that are printed on all pages, the name tells us:

[Page on which the stamp will be stamped] - [page margin] - [orientation] - [visible or invisible approvals].

In the case of stamps without visible signatures, the signatures will be displayed in this way (in this case the stamp is the "Last page - lower right - invisible signatures") stamp:

document digitally signed by: User4 Surname4 Lastname4 04/01/2001 00:00

If a stamp is chosen with the visible signs, it would be displayed as follows, provided that there are signs (in this case the stamp is the type "Last page - lower right - visible signs").

document digitally signed by: User4 Surname4 Lastname4 (VB) 04/01/2001 00:00

The background of all stamps is invisible (in case it is on top of part of the text).

You can also choose not to show a stamp with the " No signature stamp " option, the signatures will also be available at all times from the Acrobat signature panel.

The "default" option has the same characteristics as the "Last page - lower left - not visible". It is linked to old requests.

As an editor, you can set any of the mentioned labels as a favorite label from your profile so that it is the default option for new streams you start.

Start Date and Expiry Date (Advanced Writing)
The start date will allow us to indicate the date on which we want a request to appear in the recipient's inbox. The expiration date is the date on which the request will expire, when 23:59 of the marked day arrives without the flow having been completed, the request will be completed in the "Expired" state, not being able to be carried out by signatories no further intervention on the same. The editor sending the expired request may reactivate it at any time.
Tags and Metadata (Advanced Editing)
It allows you to add tags and metadata to the request to be able to later classify, identify and search them more easily.
Documents to be signed

In this section, the documents to be signed will be attached. The maximum number of documents in the same request will be 20 with a maximum weight of 10 MB.

The allowed formats are PDF, doc, DOCX, XLS, XLSX, PPTX, PPT., ODT, odp, ODS, HTML, TXT, RTF. The service will transform the documents to PDF, so when signed, the signatures will be embedded in this resulting PDF.

Also, if you want to attach many documents to sign, you can do it using a .zip. When the system detects this format, it will automatically extract the documents and transform them to PDF (as long as they are in one of the allowed formats).

The attached documents will be shown as related and you can delete them just by pressing the icon on the right.

Attached documents

In this section you can add files related to the request but that will not be signed.

Communications related to the request

(IMPORTANT: The level of communications that the users included in the stream will receive is not marked by the editor but that each user can configure them from their profile .)

The editor, in this section, can indicate whether or not he wishes to receive communications via e-mail related to the request sent.

The possibilities are:

  • Flow End Notice: You will only receive a communication when the request has been completed.
  • Notice of reading, signature, approval and completion of the flow: The editor will receive communications of all the actions taken on the request.
  • Notice of signature, approval, rejection and completion of the flow: You will receive communications of the actions carried out in the request except for reading.
  • No: The editor will not receive any type of notification of the different actions of the request.

Regardless of the level of communications indicated, the editor can see at all times the status of the request from the "SENT" section of the left menu of Portasignatures.

The level of communications that the users included in the flow will receive is not marked by the editor, but that each user can configure them from their profile.

Modify a sent request

The editor of a request can modify the flow of recipients of the request by accessing its details and clicking on the three dots in the upper right.

By pressing "Edit" the Portasignatures will allow you to add and remove recipients. Recipients can be deleted only if they haven't signed yet. If the only person left to sign or approve is removed, saving the document will complete it.

You can also edit the subject, the Message, the expiry date and the recipients of the internal communication. You will not be able to add documents to sign, if it is what needs to be corrected, you must delete the request through the available options and create a new one with all the documents.

The system will notify the recipients of the request of the changes to the request.

Delete a request already sent

To delete a request that has already been sent, just press the three dots in the upper right part of the request detail and choose the "Delete request" option.

It can only be deleted if no action has yet been taken on it (signature, rejection or approval). If actions have already been taken, it will have to be rejected.

Then you will have to accept the alert that informs us that the request will be permanently deleted and that the recipients will receive a warning.

Reject a sent request

If some action has already been taken (signature, rejection or approval) the option to discard an incomplete or incorrect request would be to reject it. To do so, press the "Reject" option available in the top right menu of the three dots in the request details.

By pressing "Reject" a window will open for you to choose the reason for the rejection and indicate a text (optional).

Recipients will receive a notification advising of the rejection of the request with the reason and the text indicated.

Send reminders of a pending petition to be signed

If you want to send a reminder to any of the recipients of a stream, you can do so through the upper right menu of the request, by pressing the three dots.

You must choose the option "send reminders" and directly all recipients who have not yet taken their action will receive a reminder. Recipients who have already completed their task within the flow will not receive the e-mail.

If you only want to forward the link to an external signature user (who can only access it from the mail received), just press the inverted triangle symbol to the right of the name and press "Forward link for external signature" ".

Copy a request

If you want to make a new request exactly the same or very similar to one already created, you can click on the three dots that you will find on the top right of the request detail and press "Create copy"

A new request will be opened for you with all the request data preloaded.