If you have received a notice in your e-mail that you have a pending request for signature in the Portasignatures of the AOC, below we explain the steps to follow in order to sign.
Important: In this content we will focus only on the steps to follow to be able to sign. If you have doubts about authenticating yourself, you will find the different authentication options available in the Authentication and signature options at Portasignatures explained in detail.
You will find the instructions for signing from IOS or Android in these contents:
If you are a registered user in Portasignatures of AOC, you can access the request by clicking on the link you will find in the email received
or you can also do it from EACAT, Applications section.
You will then have to identify yourself with a digital certificate (More information in Authentication and signature options in Portasignatures ) and once the authentication process is complete, you will see the list of documents pending your signature or approval.
You just have to click on the request you want to sign and you will access the content of the request, from where you can view the document to be signed, the annexes (if any) and sign by pressing "Signature with local certificate".
Below you will find the screen to choose from the available signature options (they may vary depending on the browser used).
If you have doubts when choosing between the available signature options, you will find all the details in Authentication and signature options in Portasignatures .
When a request is sent to a user not registered in the Portasignatures of the AOC indicating his e-mail, it is not possible to link it to any user of the tool and therefore this person will not be able to access the flow signature from Portasignatures.
In this case, the e-mail itself received by the external user warns that the only way to access the flow is by e-mail.
By pressing "Access the request" you will access directly the display screen of the request from where you can view the document to be signed, the annexes if any, and sign the request by pressing "Signature with local certificate"
If for some reason you find that the request received is not correct, you have the option to reject it. Once you access the request, you must press the "Reject" option.
In the following screen you can select one of the predefined reasons
and add a message that the editor will receive once desired.
If you have more than one request to sign or approve and you want to sign them all at once, you can select them by clicking on the left box of each request and then press "Sign/Approve".
By previously accessing each flow or later on the signature screen, you will be able to view the documents before proceeding with their signature. Once you press "Sign/give approval" the screen to sign will appear and at the bottom you will see the list of all the documents contained in the different flows. In this way, in a single operation, you can view and sign all the documents.
Approval is a prior review of the documentation to be signed, by a person with a criterion in which the subsequent signatory trusts. The approval action implies that the user has read and given his approval to the content of the same. The approval is included in the signature flow of the Portasignatures and registered the application and is visible to all participants of the request. However, it will not be reflected in the signature stamp in the resulting PDF or in the signature validation XML , because it is not an electronic signature.
When an editor sends a request for approval to a user, he will receive the notice in his mail and when accessing the request, from the inbox, he will see the "approval" button at the bottom. If the editor has created the "cascading" flow (that is to say that it is necessary to follow a stipulated order) the signatory will only be able to sign when approval has been given. If it has to be signed in any order, the signer could sign before signing off (so it would be advisable to do it in cascade if this prior review is wanted).
To give the go-ahead, just press the button so the system will ask you if you are sure you want to continue.